Posts in Eugenics,History of eugenics
Is there a globalist eugenic conspiracy?

This book was born in March 2020, the month when the World Health Organisation declared Covid-19 a pandemic. I had been researching Aldous Huxley for a year or so, and was curious about his support for eugenics. I noticed other New Age thinkers also promoted eugenics in some form or another. I kept on following the thread, and ended up writing this project on ‘spiritual eugenics’.

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The neo-liberal eugenic society

A new biography has just been published of the Huxleys — Thomas, the great Victorian man of science, and his grandson Julian, the great 20th-century public scientist. The book, by Professor Alison Bashford, is quite sympathetic to Julian, who would be cancelled today for his lifelong support for eugenics, if anything besides a Wetherspoons pub had been named after him.

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16) Madison Grant and environmental eugenics

The ‘religion’ of eugenics originated in the UK but Britain never passed a law legalizing involuntary sterilization of those deemed unfit. Instead, the UK exported eugenics around the world via events like the first international eugenics congress of 1912. Countries from Brazil to Japan would introduce eugenic laws, and no country was more aggressive in its eugenic policies than the United States.

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Nature is a programme we are endlessly editing

British geneticist Adam Rutherford has a new book out, called Control, about the history of eugenics and how it might or might not come back in the 21st century. As regular readers know, I’ve been researching and writing about eugenics myself for the last two years — you’re probably sick of it by now! — so I read Rutherford’s book to learn and review.

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1) Introducing ‘Spiritual Eugenics’

By eugenics I refer to a programme, launched in 1883 by Francis Galton, to improve the genetic quality of human beings, through negative eugenics (preventing those deemed genetically unfit from passing on their genes, either through voluntary or involuntary sterilization, confinement, or extermination) and through positive eugenics (encouraging those deemed genetically fit to pass on their genes more, through breeding with others deemed fit, or through donating their seed to ‘genius sperm banks’).

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