Get into the EmoTrance, baby!

I've been sent this press release:

Nineteen Students from The Haydon School in Pinner, Middlesex have become the world’s first pupils to be taught EmoTrance, the much talked about Energy Therapy developed by Dr Silvia Hartmann.

In the project dubbed EmoTrance In Schools, the students have been trained to ‘Student Practitioner of EmoTrance’ level, which is fully recognised and licensed by The Sidereus Foundation. They will now use their skills to help other students overcome emotional problems, such as coping with bullies, exam stress and family issues.

EmoTrance stands for Emotional Transformation and is a practical system for energy healing and energy working. The ground-breaking, and perhaps, controversial project saw 19 pupils (5 boys and 14 girls) as well as 15 teachers take part in a 3 week EmoTrance course led by EmoTrance Trainer and spokeswoman Kim Bradley. The course was developed to help the students identify where emotions are held in their body. Emotions can build up like a pressure cooker and can lead to outbursts of anger, frustration or crying and which, if held deep within, can lead toward depression.

Haydon School is very forward thinking and proved an interesting choice to introduce EmoTrance into schools. They have a group of hand-picked children known for having caring qualities who are SOS Peer Mentors. These children run open clinics during break and lunch times where students can tell them their worries, share problems and seek advice.

During the three week period the students took part in 3 two-hour sessions. The course involved using the techniques on feelings of hurt and anger of being called names, receiving criticism and being insulted. One of the students said of the insults session, “it was like having a verbal detox. Knowing that from this point forward all insults and hurtful comments I receive need not affect my self esteem. It is very empowering.”

Following the success of the project, EmoTrance now plans to move the project into more schools around the country.

I'm wondering if this is a piss-take...Does Kim realise that 'Emo' is a playground abuse term for someone who is an introverted, over-emotional, histrionic Goth who takes themselves too seriously? And that anyone who does a school course called 'EmoTrance' is pretty much hanging a sign around their neck saying 'kick me'?!

Wait...I can feel myself slipping into an EmoTrance....Love, love will tear us apart, again...where's my hairspray...