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Top ten tips for recovering from mental illness

Here are my top ten tips for recovering from mental illness. Tell me any really good tips I've missed out in the comments. They're not commandments, just what worked for me in recovering from social anxiety and minor depression - feel free to disagree. And although I don't mention medication, because I personally didn't use it, I know lots of people find that a helpful part of the recovery process - and an essential one if you suffer from a serious psychotic condition.

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Moments of epiphany

There's an interview with me in de Volksrant, a Dutch newspaper, published today. The very nice interviewer asked me about an experience I described right at the end of the book, which was sort of a near-death experience I think.

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The Master: self-help, and the Puritan longing to escape the past

Paul Thomas Anderson’s latest film, The Master, tells the story of drifter Joaquin Phoenix’s relationship with the head of a New Age sect, which looks suspiciously like Scientology. The group, called The Cause, aims (like Scientology) to clear its members of the karmic traces of their past lives, and return them to their inherent perfection. They do this by hypnotising their members to retrace their past incarnations, or by subjecting them to a b

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Philosophy clubs in MMOGs

Below is a video of a place on Second Life called The Philosophy Garden, set up by Portland community College. I'm not a big Second Lifer myself, but am curious - do any of my readers know of other philosophy groups, schools, cafes or communities that exist in massive multiplayer online games like SL? Let me know if you do, it would be useful for my research on philosophy clubs. Tnx.

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Forgive the holiday hiatus...

Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of blog-posts and newsletters the last couple of weeks - I'm on holiday in Venezuela, travelling around and visiting the rather beautiful beach below, and will resume normal service next week. Thanks to all the people who've recently signed up to the newsletter - we've now passed the 1,000 mark of subscribers!

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